(There was a word of encouragement.) Pastor Israel Jebaraj from India spoke on “Where Are You?” Genesis 3:9 says that God asked Adam where he was. God has a garden for you to take care of: your spouse, your children, and your church. You need to have dominion in your garden. There is a garden for everyone. God comes to your garden to have fellowship with you. Where are you? Are you in your garden today where God wants you to be? Adam and Eve hid from God. The world knows where God is moving. You need to be in the place where God is moving. He wants you to go from glory to glory. In Genesis 3:11 God asks Adam, “Who told you …?” To whom are you listening? Who told you that can’t do this or that? Be hearers and doers of the Word. What are you doing, and to whom are you listening? Elimelech moved from Bethlehem because of a famine (Ruth 1:1), but then he died, leaving his wife, Naomi, and two sons. Question: Are you moved by circumstances or by God? Ruth, one of Naomi’s daughters-in-law, said she would go wherever Naomi went. We need to be where God wants us to be. Be rooted and faithful in your garden. When she went back to Bethlehem with Naomi, she found favor. When you go back to where you are to be, there will be favor. Never give up. Get back on track. When we obey God, He will take us to places we never would have imagined. There is a place, a garden for you. Be there or come back there. Ask yourself: Am I in the perfect will and plan of God? The Lord will guide you to a place. Samuel heard a voice and thought it was Eli’s, but Eli told him to go back to his place. Don’t miss God by not being in your place. Pastor Israel told of sleeping on a concrete park bench with his ministry team. They were very tired from ministering for four days. In the night the Lord woke him up and told him to praise Him and to preach. He woke the others up, and they praised God and he preached. After he was finished, a man came who told him that he was going to commit suicide, but the Lord touched him through Israel’s obedience, and the man was restored to his family and is a believer serving in the church. Go back to your place, your garden. Who told you that you can’t …? Where are you? Are you listening to God? We are to have dominion over the things He planted in you. Like the Good Samaritan, He is coming back for us. Be in the “inn”, the church He planted you in. When He comes back, where will you be? (There was a word that went along with the sermon and was meant to deliver life to someone.)
Word given by Larry Hostetter:
Oh My children, you are so precious in My sight. If you only knew how much I love you. If you could only grasp a little bit of that love that I have for you, of the giftings that I have given you. They are there. They are free, but you have to reach out and take them. You have to trust in Me. You have to walk in the anointing. That power and anointing are way beyond what you can understand, that power and that love, for I sent My only and begotten Son for you. He was willing to come. He was willing to lay down His life for you, everyone one of you, a whosoever. He did it willingly. He rose again, and He now sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, interceding for each one of you. Remember, His prayers are with you. His prayers are for you. He wants the best for you. He gave His all for you, so now live for Him. Love Him. Love others. Give your life for others, for He did for you, remember that. He did it for you. So walk in His grace and His love. Walk in His power and His anointing, because in you the manifestation of Jesus Christ lives. Wherever you go, He goes. Don’t forget that. He has a love manifested in your life and heart, but it’s there to give away. It’s there to give away, so give it away, My children. Give it away.
Word given by Kevin Burrows:
Kevin Burrows:
Rise above it. When the accusations get louder, rise above it. Come to My secret place. Rise above it all. Let the junk of this world be drowned out by My voice. It’s time to let My voice drown out others’. You spent years, a lifetime, listening to others’ voices above Mine. It’s time to rise up, dust off, and to walk away from the counsel of the past. Seek My counsel. Every one of you, seek My counsel now, because My counsel does not rot. It’s not bitter, but it speaks the truth 100% of the time, the whole truth. It speaks life. Even while My voice goes forth, it imparts life. For many, My counsel will bring immediate healing, both physical and emotional. Others will bring protection and take you to faraway places. Where are My people who are called by My name? Where are you? Where are the ones who will stand up now and hear My voice? You can no longer get what you need from the voices of your leaders. Their voices have been scattered and mixed, but you must turn to Me individually, Me, God! You must turn to Me now.
So rise up and hear My voice of truth. Incline your ears to My written and loud counsel. I will no longer be quiet to you, but I will speak loud and bold.