Offering message: Acts 20:35 says it is more blessed to give than to receive. Giving 1) obeys God’s laws, 2) submits to God’s lordship, 3) exhibits God’s heart, 4) illustrates His salvation, 5) recognizes God as your source, 6) widens God’s smile, 7) advances His kingdom, 8) in faith releases God’s power, and 9) is an act of worship. Sermon message: The CWI Prophetic Conference could be called a Revelation or Power or Speaking or Holy Spirit conference. God wants us to prepare our hearts to be stirred up and to receive from Him, so we can go out to others. When Israel was returning to Jerusalem, the Babylonian king sent the captives back with provisions. Those who went back were those people whose hearts God had stirred (Ezra 1:5). We should be stirred up and willing. In Ezra 7:9b, 10 Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Lord, to do His will, and to teach His ordinances. The gracious heart of God will be on you. Prepare your heart with only His agenda. Do not stifle Him. God’s truth, wisdom, and understanding will come into you and flow out of you when you get into His presence (Psalm 73:13-16). His power in us is to flow out of us to others. We need singleness of purpose to expand the kingdom. We need boldness. Psalm 126:1-6. We need to see the lost and to be “salty” people. Let the compassion of God fill you as you pray and want His agenda. Use the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) praying (Ephesians 6:17-18). Pray at all times. Pray in the Spirit. Stay alert. Pray for all the saints in the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 is the core Scripture for this conference. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything. Do not despise prophecy. Test prophecies. Hold onto what is good in the prophecy. Treat the Lord’s Word as precious. Stay away from every form of evil, because it dilutes the power of God in your life. The gifts of the Spirit are for each as He wills. (The rest of the service was spent in prayer.)
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM