What did Jesus begin, end, and preach throughout His ministry? It was repentance- repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Christ knew that something new was about to be released through Him. God made provision for sin under the Old Covenant through patiently waiting to give judgment and through atonement (to cover) by animal sacrifice. The sins of the people were only covered, but not removed. All sin needs to be judged. Are today’s churches dealing with sin? You determine whether you will go to heaven. Jesus knew that remission (to release the sinner from his sins), not just covering, was coming through Him. Christ purchased us with His redemption. He is now in us. Now we have a reconciled (fixed) relationship, and we can call on the sacrificed Jesus Christ. When people repent, they can be reconciled to God. It is impossible to walk in God’s blessings without repentance and reconciliation. God wants us to repent of sins. Matthew9:13 says that Jesus came to call sinners to repentance. God wants all men and women to be saved. In Luke 15:7, the parable of the lost sheep, God rejoices over one sinner who repents. This should bring us more joy than anything, because this is God’s heart. God’s plan has been to reconcile the world to Himself. We are reconciled through God only (2 Corinthians 5:17-20). We all have the ministry of reconciliation. Each of us must do what we are called to do. We are all part of the same body. Do what you are called to do. The ministry of reconciliation is for us wherever we are, and we do it with the Word of God. The Gospel is good news, worthy to be declared. Romans 1:16 tells us that the Gospel is the power of God. The Word in me is powerful. How do we lead others to repent? We do it by showing the goodness of the Lord (Romans 2:4). People must understand that relationship with God is good. They must see His goodness in us. We are God’s magnets to pull them to God. We draw near to Him first. (Shane shared an experience of this at his job.) Is what I am doing showing God’s love and who God is? We always have to be ready for the hope that is in us. What have I done with the ministry of reconciliation? Lead people to repentance by exposing them to the goodness of God. Guard your heart with all diligence.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM