How To Win Any Fight

Sunday March 1, 2020
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Mark 11:22 and 2Corinthians 4:13. I can have what I say . Pastor Sydney spoke out of Psalm 12:4 and 1 Timothy 6:12.-13. We have to be deliberate about it. You have to fight. It is a fight of faith.  Three steps to how to win a fight. 1)Believe  it, 2) say it, and 3) and take action. Pastor Sydney read from Revelation 12:11. Your faith coupled with your words .  We haven’t seen things that we were expecting because we claim things and don’t put action to it. 2 Kings 4:18- 36, hopeless a mother goes through in the loss of a child. However, the woman mentioned that is well. 1 Samuel 17:1-50, be deliberate and build or picture what you see. Don’t stand in someone else’s grace. Stand in the grace God has got for you. When you speak the Lord’s word, they win. Step out in faith and know that the Lord is going to do something.
Shane shared what God did in service with showing up. Shane left us with a question of why is it that other people aren’t being bold?