All other religions fear what we have. Pharaoh finally had to bless the Israelites because he experienced God’s power. The prophets of Baal saw that the true God answers by fire when Elijah called on God’s power. Paul said that the Gospel is God’s power for salvation for everyone who believes. The cross is the symbol of the power of God. We are authorized dealers of God’s power through the Holy Spirit. Why is the power needed? Jesus changed water to wine, and His disciples believed in Him. Nicodemus believed in Him because of the signs. Other Scriptures witnessing God’s power and causing people to believe in Him are: John 6:1, 4; 7:30-31; 10:24, 3; 11:47 (Lazarus raised from the dead); John 12:9; 20:30-31. Ed shared of a lumberman who died and was completely healed. Jesus’ signs demonstrated His love and compassion for people. He is the door and the way. Other religions are trying to get to heaven and to find the answer, but Jesus is the only way, the only answer. Why aren’t more coming in? Satan has blinded the eyes of most of the church so that it denies the power of God. There will be opposition even with signs and wonders. When God’s power is demonstrated, people will come. Believe God to use you to demonstrate His power to one person. The Holy Spirit is the sign of the power of God. Ed challenged us to print Acts 1:8 on index cards and stand in front of the mirror and read it aloud and pray in tongues. Keep refreshing yourself. God wants to use you to do signs and wonders.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM