13 Because of Redemption
Jesus is being judged for something we did. You must be born again to get in the Kingdom of God. You cannot be healed spiritually. His death was for the spiritual side.
Don’t wait until the new year to start the new you!
Luke 5:12 2 Chronicles 30 Isaiah 53:1 Proverbs 26:30 Proverbs 19:29 Galatians 2:20 Deuteronomy 25 Proverbs 10:13 Proverbs 26:13 Proverbs 19:29 Galatians 2:20 2 Corinthians 5:15 Isaiah 52:15 1 Peter 2:24 Proverbs 18:6 Proverbs 20:30 Matters 8:17 Acts 2 Acts 22:22 Romans 8:31 Psalms 44:9 Isaiah 43:18