Healing Is The Will of God – Finding The Will of God

Saturday October 3, 2020

Deuteronomy 8:7  Healing is the will of God
Luke 5:12-13   Hebrews 13:8   Romans 2:11   Acts 17:2, he reasoned with them   Hebrews 1:3
Everything that Jesus did was a manifestation of God’s will. Not everything that happens is God’s will. Don’t determine Go’d will based on the outcome or blaming it on God.
Romans 12:2   1 Thessalonians 4:3   1 Thessalonians 5:18   Ephesians 5:17   Mark 3:35   Romans 8:27   Mark 9:22-29   Matthew 9:27

What’s the difference between Narnia and Harry Potter. How much poison is ok? How much darkness am I ok with?
Romans 1:29-32   Luke 11:34-36   Matthew 6:23   Acts 19:11-1

Who is predestined ?
Ephesians 1:3-15   Exodus 32:33   Revelation 3:5   Revelation 22:19   Revelation 20:12, vs. 15   Matthew 25:31-34   John 3:15-21   1 Timothy 2:3-4   2 Peter 3:9   Matthew 18:14   1 Peter 1:1-2