Proverbs 4:18, righteousness is being right like God. Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Psalms 36:9 and Psalms 119:18. To have more light comes more responsibility. Be careful how you hear. The same is how you see things. Luke 11:33-34. You become what you look at. What we look at is important. We are going to have to choose what we look at. Pastor Sydney read out of Isaiah 51:1-2, look to the rock. Pastor Sydney read out of 2 Corinthians 3:18 and John 1:9. Are you looking at Jesus or are you looking at the problem? Matthew 16:5-19, the Lord said beware. You got to look away to light in life. We are to pray His will here on Earth as it is in heaven. Church means assembly of people. Genesis 3:6, Eve looked at something enticing. Psalms 105:19, Proverbs 4:20- 27, and John 8:51, you live what you look at. You can’t focus and look at two different places at the same time. Pastor Sydney read out of Numbers 21:4-9. It’s the doer that gets the results. We value the assembly but, we do not worship it. Pastor Sydney read out of Hebrews 12:22, Psalms 141:8, Psalms 25:15, and Isaiah 60:1. Psalms 91 was read as a congregation.
Growing To Full Maturity – Look To The Rock
Sunday April 19, 2020
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM