
Sunday October 26, 2014

After three years, Jesus told His disciples to go. Matthew 10:7 says to go and preach. In America we must go inside our country as well as outside. Preach the Word to the ones who will hear it. When you send people out to other countries, be praying here. Reach the world by prayer. Luke 24:49. Pray daily. Give your life to your church. You’re the light here. Find the lost Christians and youth. The Holy Spirit lives in us. The speaker shared how he died and went to hell. He was tied down in six places. The next day was his burial, but then he saw a lot of shiny things in heaven. He didn’t want to go back to his stinky dead body.  Acts 1:8 tells us the power is from above, and we are to go to our Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and the ends of the earth. We need to be short-term missionaries, so we can see how to pray for the people. God gave him a vision to write a book. He was to build houses, such as prayer houses, a training center, Bible School, and guest houses. Prayer is the key for everything and everyone. Acts 5 and Acts 19 tell of the divine power that is available for us. Do people get healed by being around us or touching our shadow or clothing? Find God’s divine power. Let Him help you. We all are witnesses. Jesus loves you. Be a Bible for others.