Expect Miracles – part 4

Saturday February 26, 2022

Listen to this miracle-packed sermon on “Expect Miracles”.  A young lady testified of the change in her life as a result of Pastor Syd’s and Paul Burkholder’s victorious ministry to her boss who had a 2% chance of living because of cancer. We are seated in the heavens with authority (Ephesians 1:20-2:7). Jesus said for His disciples to believe in His works because they were of His Father and that we would do greater works than He did (John 14:8-14). The many good works that Jesus did were the miracles (John 10:31-38). He said that signs, miracles, would accompany those who believe: casting out demons, speaking in new tongues, not being harmed by snakes (demons) or drink, and laying hands on the sick and their recovery Mark 16:15-20). Elijah proclaimed that there would be no rain for years at his command. He had to obey and be at a certain place in order for God to miraculously feed and water him (1 Kings 17:1-18:41). He was miraculously taken care of by ravens while staying beside a brook and then by a widow and her son. He performed a miracle of raising her son from the dead. He performed another huge miracle of bringing down fire on a water drenched altar, and the subsequent downpour of rain. James 5:13-18 tells the individual to pray and call for the elders to pray and anoint with oil. In Acts 4:23, after Peter and John were threatened, they prayed for boldness to go to the nations. We are told to do miraculous works that affect individuals, groups, and nations (Psalm 2:1-12). Take a hold of nation-changing prayer. Pray for Ukraine and Russia and the nations. There must be a move, an awakening, of God. Pray for our nation.

Pastor Syd relates the miracles of his climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, and his cousin’s miraculous overcoming COVID and a ruptured disc on the trip.