Pastor Sydney mentioned about being like the old locomotive and compared it with being changed into His image. Genesis 1:26 had been referenced. Pastor Sydney mentioned that darkness is just the absence of light. Romans 8:29 and Romans 12:2 had been looked at. Do not be conformed to this age. Pastor Sydney began to remind the people that when you speak bad of yourself you have to be reminded that you have the mind of Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:18 had been referenced. Pastor Sydney mentioned about identity and to not forget who you are. Skip the valley and stay on the mountain. Walk in love and be in love, John 13:34. God did some amazing things and people wondered how did He do it? He was creative in using what He had. Pastor Sydney talked about his experience of how supportive the community had been for the fallen fighter killed in the line of duty. That even through the pouring rain from all across different states, the people had come to honor and serve the broken. We have to intentionally put on love, Colossians 3:14. Put on heart felt compassion. Don’t allow condemnation to come in when you see that you fall short. Forgiving means that you release the debt a person owes you. Not to fall in love but to put on love. Above all else put on love. Pastor Sydney had shared a story about an unsettling text he had gotten and wanted to respond his way, which wasn’t loving. Pastor Sydney was reminded about how he had mistreated God in the past but God was still loving and gracious, 1 Peter 4:7-8. Say things in love keeping in mind the benefits of the person you are talking to. Be kind, be humble, be gentle, put it on, Proverbs 10:12. A great act of love is to give, Galatians 5:6, 13. Let us love each other in such a way that others would say that they want to be like that, changed in the image of Christ.
Love like the Father- (part 1) Put on Love
Sunday June 18, 2017
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM