A Heart After God – Jan 11

Sunday January 11, 2015

Pre-sermon message: In Ezekiel 36:25 God said that He would give us a heart of flesh and would give His Spirit in us. He has done that since Jesus came. Your harvest field is where you are placed. Go! If you are not fishing, you are not following Jesus. Am I a follower or a fan of Jesus? We do not want to be a church that has lost its saltiness, thinking we do not need Jesus and not having a heart for the lost. Be a person who cares. Listen and pray for the lost. Show Jesus’ love to them and disciple them. Sermon message: Psalm 110:1-3 says we are to make His enemies His footstool by putting the enemy under our feet by using His authority. We are to rule and reign in the authority of His name. We are also to be willing volunteers. Isaiah 1:18-19 informs us that we are to be both willing and obedient in order to eat the good of the land. Obedience means listening with the intent of understanding and doing. All of God’s blessings belong to us, but it is up to us to do what is needed to receive them. Pastor Syd tells of a Hell’s Angel who became gloriously converted but didn’t understand how to convince his friend of Jesus’ goodness. Forcing his friend into praying the sinner’s prayer did not change his heart, because he was not willing and his heart was not right. To receive salvation requires both a willing heart belief and a confession of faith. Be sowers of compliments, compassion, and life. What is the perfect heart? Is it not a heart which goes after God whole-heartedly? God through Samuel said that He looks at the heart, not the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). His eyes go to and fro looking for those whose hearts are perfect, whole-heartedly, completely willing, completely given to Him. He shows Himself strong to those whose hearts are perfect toward Him. In 2 Chronicles 15:16 and 16:9-12 it is recorded that King Asa was wholehearted for the Lord his whole life yet he made mistakes. God judges our hearts. We can make mistakes and still have a whole heart toward Him. Likewise, you can do the right things but have a wrong heart. In 2 Chronicles 25:2 Amaziah did what was right but not with a perfect heart. Be full of mercy. Mercy comes before judgment. Do not judge the other person’s heart. Pastor Syd was feeling condemned about never being brave against something, and the Lord reminded him of a time he chased a wolf who was eyeing their chickens for his dinner. Let God comfort you when you have been too hard on yourself. Samuel told Saul that he was foolish and that God wanted a man after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:13-). Check in your heart: Am I willing?” Psalm 37:3, 4 says to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. David was humble and grateful. David asked God to restore the joy of His salvation and uphold a willing heart in him (Psalm 51:12). We do not want hardened hearts (Psalm 16:5-11). Have a heart after God.