Pastor Sydney did a continuation on the gifts of the Spirit and spoke about being filled with the Holy Spirit. In addition to that, sharing with the congregation about how to go about how to be obedient to the Lord when He gives you something to share had been mentioned Pastor Sydney speaks out of Ephesians 5:15 and mentions to be being filled, because God wants us to be full of His Holy Spirit. The two things compared is drunkenness and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Leo brings up about Acts 2. Pastor Sydney goes over reasons why people drink. “You don’t have to live dry, you could live full of the Spirit”, mentioned by Pastor Sydney. The Word talks about alcohol and mention not to be drunk. Sober means not drunk. Drunkenness equals dull and insensitive. In doing things ask the Lord first if it is alright to have an alcoholic drink. Don’t be a judgemental person towards anyone who drinks. Opposite of being drunk is being filled with Spirit and there is no limit to how much of the Spirit you can have! Saved equals healed. Acts 4:8, 4:31, Acts 6:1, 6:5 had been read out of. 1 Corinthians 14 was also referenced.
Gifts of the Spirit – Be filled and Speak
Sunday May 21, 2017
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM