Ralph Wilkerson prophesied over CWI these words: TENT, TABERNACLE, TEMPLE. New paths. New things. New day. New year. He shares how to share the Gospel and to be a fruitful person.
Changing of the Season
Holy Communion
I Cor. 11:23-33; Paul wasn’t at the Passover meal with the other disciples, but he still said that he received the directive for communion from the Lord, because it was given to him by divine revelation. Communion is very special, holy, miraculous, beautiful. Even though Jesus fully knew the meaning of what He was doing at the Lord’s Supper and the disciples didn’t, He gave thanks to God that He could offer Himself. The blood is for the forgiveness for the remission of sins. The breaking of the bread represents the stripes on His body for our bodies’ healing. Weakness, sickness, and premature death may be caused by not discerning the Lord’s body. Examine your heart making sure there is no unrepented sin in your life and that you are rightly discern the Lord’s body.
How to Know God’s Will
Listen as seasoned preacher and speaker, Ralph Wilkerson, talks about using now faith to do God’s will. Did you know that receiving the power of God is separate from receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Using scripture texts of Romans 1:16, Acts 10:38, Luke 24:29, and Isaiah 40:28-31, Pastor Dale Armstrong explains that we need the power of God as well as the Holy Spirit. He also gives examples of receiving God’s power through prayer and waiting on Him (serving Him). Sermon title: The Gospel is the Power of God Part 1″.
Now Faith
He teaches on now faith for fishing, for finances, and for fullness. Don’t limit God!
Vision and Interview
Speaking on vision, he stressed that the vision for a body of believers must be preached so that they get the same vision. He also shares effective ways to reach the sinner. Brother Ralph uses aspects from Disneyland to describe the church: Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland.