James 1:2-4 … the trying of your faith produces patience. Your faith is on trial. Pastor Dale preaches on patience and suffering- not looking for the meaning in it, but looking for God’s grace. What do you submit to, and what do you resist? (James 4:7, 8) Allow God to make you stronger by submitting to Him in obedience.
Understanding Suffering Part 01
Understanding Suffering Part 02
(Heb. 6:12 We follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. God’s promises are conditional. We must take responsibility for our generation. Pride is when you don’t admit your faith didn’t work. We need to believe even when it isn’t working. We can have confidence when we ask according to His will.
Understanding Suffering Part 03
Acts 10:34 God loves you as much as He loves Jesus. We need to determine what suffering is of God and what is of the devil. Godly suffering is when you can choose to get out of it. You can make a choice to walk away from it. Dale uses examples from his own life and from the Bible, such as Moses, Daniel, and Joseph. God chastens and trains us as sons. Godly suffering is unique from the suffering that Satan brings.
Understanding Suffering Part 04
Pastor Dale continues preaching on suffering. Suffering is the result of sin, starting with Adam’s sin. Listen to hear answers to questions like: Why did this tragedy happen? Why shouldn’t I sin? Is God glorified in sickness? ( Rom. 3:23-24, Luke 13:5-17)
Understanding Suffering Part 05
Continuing on the morning’s sermon, Pastor Dale builds on the truth that all have sinned and are guilty of hell. Adam’s offense brought condemnation, but Jesus Christ’s free gift brings justification. Grace empowers us to do something and enables us to live holier lives. We are called to confront. Listen to find out what is the role of an intercessor.
Understanding Suffering Part 06
What is your view of God? God is good and is for us. Satan blinds the lost and many Christians to the Gospel. Pastor Dale uses scriptures to show the role of sin and Satan contrasted to that of grace. Don’t lose your will to succeed, or to be healed, or to go on. Get angry at Satan and sin not by giving place to the devil. ( II Cor. 4:3; John 10:10; Matt. 9:2; Luke 13:11; Eph. 4:26)