Jesus is our shepherd, and pastors are His under-shepherds. Many people have been manipulated and abused by their religious leaders. It is necessary to know how to receive from your pastor and to handle spiritual authority. Pastor Dale tells three ways in which a believer must submit to God. (Ps. 23; Matt. 28:18; Heb. 13:17)
Smooth Sailing Part 1
Smooth Sailing Part 2
Pastor Dale preaches on using the Word and your spirit to help you navigate in the spiritual realm. We don’t have to be afraid to move in the spiritual realm or of being deceived, if we are submitted to the Word of God.
Smooth Sailing Part 3
Pastors must feed their people with knowledge and understanding. The church should help fulfill people’s callings. Authority is designed to be given away. A pastor is not to control. A church should be difficult to join and easy to leave. Edification of the body comes through authority. Get out of the nest, do the things of God, and take risks.
Smooth Sailing Part 4
Pastor Dale uses Jeremiah 3:15 to preach on the pastor’s authority in the local church. Because people have been hurt by pastors and church leaders, some Christians don’t trust in the pastors’ authority, but we need to trust in the pastor’s authority and anointing. Rebellion destroys trust and authority. God speaks to the person in authority first.
Smooth Sailing Part 5
Pastor Dale preaches on the authority of the church and the pastor. Jesus gave Himself for the Church, but Satan hates the Church. Before Satan erodes society, he first attacks the church. One of the places where Satan attacks in the church in Lancaster County is in the area of authority, in which people who were wounded by pastors and churches with bad authority, run away from what will help them. It’s a perversion of authority. Good authority is to edify and to release people.
Smooth Sailing Part 6
God speaks through authority. Jesus delegated authority to us, and when we speak with His authority, it’s as if He said it. The sheep’s trust must be developed when pastors have wounded them. Pastor Dale relates the story of a radio announcer who didn’t submit to his pastor’s authority. We are to obey and be submissive to the good pastors over us.
Smooth Sailing Part 7
Are you devoted to the Church? Pastor Dale defines “the Church” and encourages us to “up” our value of Christ, which will in turn increase our evangelism. We should be eagerly telling everyone we meet about Jesus and the Gospel, just like a woman who finds a great sale in a store.
Smooth Sailing Part 8
Satan’s plan is to pervert authority, whether it’s in the father’s position in a family or a pastor in the church. For too long the church has allowed sin that then becomes accepted in society. The church is to be salt and light and can make a difference in this nation. We must walk in love and discern the Lord’s Body, the believers’ brothers and sister in Christ. Run to the church for the miracle you need. Normal is a church on fire with the Holy Spirit.
Smooth Sailing Part 9
The Gospel is powerful, but victimization makes people (in the church) afraid of authority. In order to submit to a person, you need the Holy Spirit to submit to God in them. Pastor Dale explains three indicators of submission. The Word and the Spirit enable us to do what He’s told us to do. Give people the Word, and don’t make their decisions for them.
Smooth Sailing Part 10
I John 1:7. We need to love and believe in the Church to bring back her glory. We have known the Church by its failures- spiritual abuses, manipulated, being lied to, immoral leaders. We must go on in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Coming together as believers is essential. One quality of the assemblying of believers (the Church) is walking in the light as He is in the light. We should get angry about anyone stealing the power from the Church, the Body of Christ. Compromise will take the life out of you. Our fellowship is centered around the light of the Lord Jesus. Are we willing to die for the Church?